8 Facts About Diabetes


  1. There are two different types of diabetes: Type 1 (T1D) and Type 2 (T2D).

  2. T1D can affect anybody of any race, age, lifestyle, weight, or gender. 

  3. The body needs insulin to process food and the pancreas is the organ in the body that makes insulin.

  4. The pancreas of someone with T1D doesn't produce insulin.Currently, there is no cure or way to make the pancreas of a person with T1D  begin making insulin again. 

  5. People with type 2 diabetes don't respond to insulin as well as they should and later in the disease often don't make enough insulin. 

  6. Anyone with diabetes, type 1 or type 2, can live long and healthy lives. 

  7. Gestational diabetes occurs in roughly 7% of pregnancies, but no one knows why. 

  8. Treatment and management for diabetes can include diet, exercise, insulin therapy, and medication. 

Nutrition is an important part of managing any healthy lifestyle, especially a diabetic one. FrequenSea PRO provides essential nutrients the body can easily absorb. FrequenSea PRO is safe for anyone with diabetes. 

PowerStrips are designed to provide relief and comfort. Using PowerStrips daily can help sooth muscle aches associated with exercise and diabetes. 


Resource: diabetes.org

Photo by Nick Wilkes on Unsplash


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