Confidence is Powerful

Do you ever feel like you’re boxed in by expectations? Like the world puts so much pressure on you to be interested in specific things or activities? Maybe your interests don’t align with what society dictates as “normal” or “typical” for your age, gender, or lifestyle. That’s ok. You can feel confident enjoying the activities you do without worrying about what others might think. Even if you’re the only person in the room not engrossed in the football game on TV, don’t feel bad about being who you are. 

Here are three reasons to be confident about your interests. 

  1. Being genuine is important 

While it’s good to accommodate others, you should never have to pretend to like something you don’t just to make others happy or comfortable. And you don’t need to pretend to dislike something if you’re actually into it. If you feel like you have to pretend around others, think about how it would feel to be true to yourself.

  1. Your happiness matters

You are important and your interests and happiness are a huge part of mental health and lifelong satisfaction. Pursue what makes you enjoy life without worrying about stereotypes or the judgement of others. 

  1. You aren’t alone

You might think you are the only person who doesn’t fit into the mold of societal expectations, but you aren’t. There are plenty of people who discover and encourage new ways of thinking by not necessarily being content inside the box they are, or were given. When you step out of that box, you can be a light to others. 

As a leader, it's important that the expectations from the world don't bias you against others. It’s also important to let your creativity expand and explore new ideas and interests. You will find power and influence and new resources when you are confident.


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