3 Dos and 3 Don'ts of Using Facebook to Build your Business


Do Keep it Separate 

Make a Facebook business page so you can keep your personal profile separate from your business. Facebook business pages have powerful tools and insights to help you gauge how much of an impact you’re actually making and who is paying attention. Plus, it’s completely free!


Do Be Original

Use your business page to share your story. Your opinion, thoughts and experiences about ForeverGreen are important and this is the perfect place for you to share them! Post relevant, original content like LIVE videos, pictures of you with product or team members. Facebook stories, polls, questions and opinions are great for engagement.


Do Interact

Follow and interact with our ForeverGreen corporate page. Add to the conversation and you might just find someone looking for answers, help with an order, or a team to join. Successful leaders comment, share and like our posts. Are you one of them?


Don’t Copy 

Thinking of calling your business page “ForeverGreen”? Don’t do it! There are many creative ways to position yourself rather than using the name “ForeverGreen.” The use of ForeverGreen in a name is protected under copyright law. We encourage you to NOT use it. Don’t use the ForeverGreen logo as your profile picture. Your page should look unique to you and feature your picture.

Don’t Steal 

While copy and paste might seem like an easy way to make your page look official, it actually gives your page less traction and fewer people are likely to see that content. Instead of stealing posts from our corporate page, or any other page, just click Share. It will reach more people than if you’d created the same thing from scratch. 

Don’t Look Unprofessional 

Avoid posting any picture that is blurry, poorly lit, profane or has revealing clothing. This especially goes for profile pictures. A professional profile picture should be a recent photo, closely cropped showing your head and shoulders, featuring a toothy grin, and well lit. So ditch your sunglasses and those filters and Say Cheese! 


Look for more social media do’s and don’ts in future blog posts, but try these tips today. You can have an influence on the conversation and lead people to something better through simple social media skills and interactions.


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