Four Reasons Why Houseplants are Good for Your Health

  1. They increase humidity
    Water evaporates through the leaves of plants adding moisture to the air. When the air in your home is more humid, you are less likely to suffer from a stuffy nose, sore throat, or dry skin.

  2. They purify the air
    Both the leaves and roots of live plants help remove toxins from the air. In fact, NASA has done extensive research into plants’ effects on air quality. Plants can remove low levels of carbon monoxide and formaldehyde from the air in a home. Toxins in your home can lead to illness.

  3. They can improve your mood
    Interacting with plants can have a positive impact on your stress levels and mood. Research shows that putting energy into the care of plants can have a soothing and calming effect on plant owners. They can also brighten up a room and be a cheerful decoration.

  4. They produce oxygen
    Photosynthesis is the process plants perform to create their own food. They use the carbon dioxide we exhale, along with other ingredients to make energy and oxygen. Oxygen is essential for us to function. Increased oxygen in our environment can reduce headaches, improve focus and energy and mood. 

All of these benefits can help reduce stress in your home. Having more oxygen alone will help reduce stress on your body. Did you know that up to 70% of the earth’s entire oxygen supply is created by the tiny plant, Marine Phytoplankton? Marine Phytoplankton is the primary ingredient in ForeverGreen’s FrequenSea PRO.


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