Do you eat like a Koala?

The Koala is an animal native to Australia. It lives in, and eats the leaves from, the Eucalyptus tree. Eucalyptus leaves are tough and fibrous and have very little nutrition. They are even poisonous to most other animals. A koala's body is adapted to breaking down eucalyptus leaves, but it requires most of their energy and then yields hardly any nutrients. They eat over a pound of leaves a day and can only absorb about 25% of the fiber from their meal. It takes so much energy just to digest their 500 grams of food that koalas sleep for 18-20 hours a day to conserve energy. Koalas are also very picky eaters. The Australian forest has over 600 varieties of eucalyptus trees but a koala will only browse at most three "flavors".

Do you ever feel like a koala? Like you eat and sleep but never have any energy? You might want to take a look at how balanced your diet is and how much nutrition is in the food you eat. Marine phytoplankton is considered to be one of nature's superfoods. It is known to contain a full spectrum of amino acids, trace minerals, vitamins, micronutrients, essential fatty acids and antioxidants. Even with a balanced diet, anyone can benefit from the healing and nurturing elements of marine phytoplankton. For more information, click here. 

Photo by Christopher Alvarenga on Unsplash


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