3 Benefits of Exercising with PowerStrips


Do you want to get your exercise routine going but are struggling to find the motivation? Here are three reasons why you should start now!
1 . Weight and Muscle Maintenance

The New Year is a great time to set a goal to get into shape, but you don’t have to wait until after the holidays to get fit. One in four Europeans will go on a diet in preparation for the holidays, but is dieting enough? Cutting calories to lose weight not only results in fat loss, but can unfortunately result in losing muscle as well. When you add exercise to any weight loss plan or diet, you’re more likely to maintain your muscle mass while still shedding fat.

The natural aromatics and stimulating heat of PowerStrips will awaken your senses and body, preparing you for any activity. You can experience natural relief of any discomfort that might dissuade you from exercise. Simple to use and easy to share, PowerStrips are the solution to jumpstarting your exercise routine.


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