Take Control Every Month


Cramps are one of the worst parts of periods.
As if bleeding for days wasn’t enough, it has to hurt too! One of the most common ways women try to find relief is through NSAIDs. NSAIDs block hormones called prostaglandins which trigger swelling and pain responses in the body. However, menstruation already messes with the hormones in your body, so there is no need to meddle more. The good news? PowerStrips leave your hormones alone.
In addition, frequent use of NSAIDs has been associated with negative side effects such as indigestion, headaches, increased blood pressure and even heart disease and stroke. Just google it! In the end, the side effects outweigh many of the positives. However, there are other ways to soothe period-induced pains. One common method is through heat--warm baths, heating pads, etc. PowerStrips create this same sort of relief by redirecting the heat in your body to the area you put the patch on. But even better than a heating pad or a warm bath, PowerStrips allow you to be mobile, not tethered to an outlet or locked in a bathroom.
So when the monthly monster comes back, try PowerStrips for relief!


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