Fact or fiction: Bacteria in your body outnumbers human cells 10 to 1

In 1970, a microbiologist named Thomas D. Luckey published a paper with the conclusion that the human body was home to 100 trillion microbes of bacteria. Unfortunately, his logic wasn’t entirely scientific, but based on averages and estimates. 

Several years later, another microbiologist combined this estimate with his idea that the human body has 10 trillion cells. This is where the 10:1 ratio came from. Amazingly, this belief went unchallenged for almost half a century. 

In 2016, biologist Ron Milo set out to discover the true ratio of bacteria to human cells in the body. Using scientific computations which essentially debunked the estimates of previous scientists, he concluded that the ratio of bacteria to human cells in the body is much closer to 1.3 to 1, (39 trillion microbial cells to 30 trillion cells). 

Regardless of the exact number, there is no doubt that good bacteria is essential to the human body. Prebiotics, like the ones in FrequenSea PRO, help reduce inflammation, promote a healthy colon, and enhance the bioavailability and uptake of minerals.


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